Neighbors to Neighborhood Grant

The purpose of the Neighbors to Neighborhood Grant is to promote the formation of resilient and sustainable neighborhoods by enabling neighbors to work together to create, develop and fund community-driven projects or ideas.

Goals that we’d like to accomplish:

  • Ensure neighbors know each other
  • Help neighbors work together
  • Shift the culture
  • Increase belief in neighborhood value
  • Repeated behavior

RSFIC would like to award grants to projects that align with our values of solidarity, humility, integrity, consuming less and relocalizing power.

Evaluation Criteria

Plan for Increasing Neighbors Knowing Each Other (25)

  • Provides clear and creative methods for encouraging neighbors to know each other
  • Demonstrates that the methods used are inclusive of the diverse population in the neighborhood
  • Shows how neighbors will be engaged, recruited, and informed of the project activities

Plan for Neighborhood Collaboration (25)

  • Identifies areas where neighbors can collaborate effectively
  • Includes specific activities with timelines for creating and promoting collaborative projects
  • Outlines methods for pivoting if conflicts or disagreements arise

Plan for Culture Shift in the belief of Neighborhood Value (25)

  • Includes specific activities for promoting a culture shift in the neighborhood ○ Provides strategies for highlighting and showcasing community success stories with fellow neighbors

Plan for Sustainability and Repeated Behavior (25)

  • Includes a plan for ensuring the project effects are sustainable beyond grant funding
  • Ways to ensure that project activities become repetitive and adopted as part of the neighborhood culture

If you want to build neighborhood strength, get started here.

If you have any further questions, please email our Head Success Coach Tyesha Perry at [email protected].